

Kanda coffee shop information

What kind of place do you see in your mind when you imagine people resting or relaxing?
There are parks, plazas, living rooms, benches, sofas, baths, hot springs, cafes, coffee shops, etc. “Old-fashioned” is also good keyword for relaxing right?

Here in Kanda Nishiki-cho area, when you walk in the town, a lot of ‘old-fashioned’ vibe still transpire around quite a lot, along with new things.
Used old bookstore, old game center, dining hall, slope, stairs, coffee shop, narrow alley.

In the sense of relaxing, there are many coffee shops with a tasty appearance in the Kanda Jimbocho neighborhood.
A distinctive store name with nostalgic interior, a menu full of original feeling, and drinks with deep colors.

In this section, we will explore the town’s coffee shop, one of the things that enrich such day-to-day lives, all about shops, menus, appearance, architecture, history, people.